
Realize your nano vision
En mikrokam får plats i änden på ett hårstrå. Trots det kan den användas för att kalibrera instrument som mäter signaler på ljusårs avstånd, eller identifiera vad du bär på för sjukdom genom att analysera din utandningsluft.
​Trots att det mesta som sker innanför forskningsinfrastrukturen Myfabs dörrar på Chalmers är – bokstavligt talat – mikroskopiskt litet, är möjligheterna som labbet erbjuder både industri och akademi desto större. Det gäller inte minst tillverkningsmöjligheter. (Artikel i Ny Teknik)
​A tiny layer of graphene flakes becomes a deadly weapon and kills bacteria, stopping infections during procedures such as implant surgery.
The movie 'Zero point energy' a part of Kerstin Hamiltons project 'Nanosocieties and Beyond' is now available in full length. The film was recorded in MC2 Nanofabrication Laboratory at Chalmers in 2016.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have for the first time reported the electrical detection of spin current on topological insulator surfaces at room temperature by employing a ferromagnetic detector.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology shows that applying a moderate in-plane magnetic field increases spin lifetime of electrons in graphene.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded in an experiment where they get an artificial atom to survive ten times longer than normal by positioning the atom in front of a mirror.
Per Delsing and his team want to combine theoretical calculations with experiments on superconducting circuits to gain an understanding of how things fit together at the nano level.
Research on power amplifiers at Chalmers is targeting the need for increased bandwidth and higher energy efficiency in mobile communication transmitters. During 2014 the researchers demonstrated GaN MMIC power amplifier based on a new modified Doherty topology (patented by Ericsson) to obtain a record >35% average efficiency and 5.8–8.8 GHz bandwidth.
An exciting research collaboration between University College London, UCL, and Chalmers has resulted in the design and testing of the widest band amplifier ever reported.
Particle physicists have a hard time identifying all the elementary particles created in their particle accelerators. But now researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have designed a material that makes it much easier to distinguish the particles.
The PhD course "Micro and Nano Processing Technologies" will run during the 3rd Quarter 2014/2015, starting on Monday 19 January.
As part of an international collaboration, scientists at Chalmers University of Technology have demonstrated how noise in a microwave amplifier is limited by self-heating at very low temperatures
Chalmers researchers Per Delsing and Dag Winkler have been awarded a grant of around SEK 85 million between them by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) for two separate projects within nanotechnology and neuroscience.
Fewer cords, smaller antennas and quicker video transmission. This may be the result of a new type of microwave circuit that was designed at Chalmers University of Technology. The research team behind the circuits currently holds an attention-grabbing record.
Researchers at Chalmers are first to show the use of sound to communicate with an artificial atom. They can thereby demonstrate phenomena from quantum physics with sound taking on the role of light.
Beskedet från Vinnova, Formas och Energimyndigheten innebär att grafen blir ett av hittills elva beslutade svenska strategiska innovationsområden, så kallade SIO-program.
On 9 – 13 June, Chalmers Area of Advance Nanoscience and Nanotechnolgy welcomes you to attend the summer school on topological states of matter, at Chalmers in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nytt världsrekord i datahastighet på optisk multimod-fiber genom samarbete mellan Chalmers och IBM.
Chalmers will coordinate one of the two by EU funded flagship projects. The grapheme flagship project was announced as one of the two winners on a press conference on Monday morning.